A ministry to provide leadership training, literature, and encouragement to churches across the 

African continent.


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MCMA began ministry in Africa in 2003. Since then an impressive network of pastors and churches has developed across the continent. Executive Director Timothy Johnson, known as Bishop Timothy in Africa, has transplanted the MCMA mission of helping churches build a generation of confident leaders and teachers to Liberia, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Cameroon, Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. With the help of able national leaders, MCMA continues to grow, offering leadership training, theological literature, mentoring, and encouragement.  Note the growing group of African leaders pictured below who are partners in this international mission of helping churches build a generation of confident leaders and teachers.


Bishop Timothy and Rev. Natt Miller visited Africa for the first time in two years in October and November of 2021.  It was a fruitful trip, touching 7 countries, many training venues and thousands of hearts and minds. 

Be looking for ongoing Africa ministry both through online conferences and a mission trip this year of 2022.  Bringing the MCMA mission worldwide….helping churches build a generation of confident leaders and teachers!
